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Dr V C Mishra, Questioned Document and Handwriting & Finger Print Expert (Forensic Expert, India)


Information about 3-D study of signatures in the field of Questioned Documents (Protection against Forgery)

Original Research by Dr V C Mishra


I have discovered a technique of studying the handwriting and signatures in three-dimensional way, which I think has never been used earlier. This is in connection of MINUTE STUDY OF HIDDEN DIMENSION OF WRITING OR SIGNATURE which enables me to observe the line continuation, connections, pen jumps, shading, pen pressure pattern, complex knots of loops, etc. this technique can be applied when the specimen of suspect/suspects are taken. If a reversed carbon paper (with dark wax layer up) is placed beneath the specimen sheet as supporting surface and something is written on specimen sheet, the dark wax coating adheres on the back surface of specimen sheet because of the point load of the pen. Because of the point load of the pen, these carbon particles get transfixed under the moving point of the pen. Thus, a unique brain graph and pressure pattern can be studied by examining and observing the reversed (Mirror image) of the signature. These carbon lines are capable of reflecting even the slightest fluctuations in the pressure pattern. The point of the pen exerts pressure, perpendicular to the axis of the instrument and moves horizontally on the surface of the paper in all directions. With the introduction of advanced writing instruments, it is very difficult to observe the fluctuating pen pressure pattern in the inked writings.

Thus, many of the hidden patterns viz- sequencing of stroke, hiatus, spring like actions and re-tracings can be examined. These carbon lines are capable of producing the third dimension of the writing or signature. Since, Handwriting is a Neuro-muscular Act, a complete brain graph and co-ordination of writing muscles can be studied. Moreover, it would be a safer way if all the important property papers could be signed, using a carbon paper as supporting surface.

(Dr V C Mishra)


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